Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hello Stranger

This is a shot I did for Small Format. The assignment was to approach a stranger, identify ourself as RCC photography students and ask to photograph them. I went out several times specifically to shoot this but just wasn't feeling it. Today while working on an assignment for Digital Imaging I ran into Michael and his boxer, Puddin. After introducing myself and talking for a few minutes Michael agreed to let me photograph him. One down!


  1. This is great man. Even though his eyes are almost closed, there is still a lot of emphasis on the eyes.

  2. Thanks Andy. I was very frustrated with this assignment, mainly because I just hadn't found anyone I really wanted to use. Then this morning while working on John's assignment I saw him sitting over by the covered stage. I don't have the words to explain how I feel about this photo, so I'll borrow a few!

    "Youth never moves me. I seldom see anything very beautiful in a young face. I do, though - - in the downward curve of Maugham’s lips, in Isak Dinesen’s hands. So much has been written there, there is so much to be read, if one could only read."
    Richard Avedon

    Thanks again Andy.

  3. did you get a shot of Puddin???

  4. I did indeed, I'll put it up soon.

  5. Nice, Hal! I think you found Hemingway's grandson.

  6. This is an awesome photo, I wanted this exact look for mine but I couldn't find a guy like this. Good job.
